Tips For Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Removal​​​​​​​

Tips For Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Removal​​​​​​​

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Of all the teeth to require extraction, wisdom teeth are the most common. The very last teeth to erupt in our mouths, they often don’t put in an appearance until we are well into our teenage years and by this point, almost all of our adult teeth are already in place. Their location – one tooth in the far back corners of the upper and lower jaw – means that if there is no space for them to erupt normally, they may be retained, or come through at an awkward angle. Many people who have problems with wisdom tooth eruption find that they suffer from abscesses and infections while they are trying to break through the gum.

Wisdom teeth have no real purpose, and so when a patient has problems with theirs, many dentists will recommend that they are simply removed. While the concept of an extraction strikes fears into the heart of many patients, the truth is that today, wisdom tooth extraction is no more complicated or painful than any other dental procedure. The surgery is extremely safe and successful, but in order to ensure the best possible recovery from wisdom tooth extraction surgery, there are some guidelines that you should follow.

Here are our top tips for a smooth and timely recovery from wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Give yourself plenty of time to recover

Many people mistakenly assume that recovering from a tooth extraction should be much quicker than any other type of surgery. However, it can take up to two weeks to fully recover from wisdom tooth removal, and patients should ensure that they free up their schedule as much as possible so that they have adequate time to get back to normal. Most dentists recommend that you take off from work for at least two or three days.

Use pain relief

You can expect to be in some discomfort in the days after your surgery, and your mouth may feel swollen. Use pain relief and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to keep you as comfortable as possible. Arlington Dentistry by Design's dentist will be able to advise you if stronger pain relief is necessary or possible.

Follow the immediate after-care advice of our dentist

Our dentist will give you specific guidelines to follow for at least the first 24 hours after your wisdom teeth removal. These will normally include, avoiding hot drinks, spitting, rinsing and chewing gum, as these could dislodge blood clots that have formed over the incisions, causing the wood to open, start bleeding and be at risk of infection all over again.

Don’t smoke or consume alcohol

Not only is smoking and excess alcohol consumption extremely bad for your health, they can also inhibit the healing process and put you at risk of post-surgery complications.

Clean and care for your mouth

In the first 24 hours after your surgery, you should carefully rinse the extraction site using an antiseptic mouthwash. This will help to eradicate any bacteria and keep your mouth looking and feeling healthy. You could swap the antiseptic mouthwash for salt in a teaspoon of water, and as this has been proven to reduce soreness and irritation in the gum.

Attend your follow-up appointments

If you have wisdom teeth removal surgery, you will almost certainly be expected to attend a variety of follow-up appointments to check on the progress of your healing. Your follow-up appointments are a crucial part of your dental care as they will give our dentist the opportunity to check on the progress of your healing and check that there have been no long-lasting negative impacts on your oral or dental health.


If Arlington Dentistry by Design's dentist has recommended wisdom teeth removal, following these tips should help you to make sure your recovery is as fast, efficient and effective as possible. Contact us for more information you deserve to know.