Dental Hygiene: Top Ways to Take Care of Oral Health​​​​​​​

Dental Hygiene: Top Ways to Take Care of Oral Health​​​​​​​

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Despite often being referred to as ‘adult’ teeth, our second teeth usually start to erupt around the age of 6 or 7. Unfortunately, these will be the last teeth that we get and ideally, we need them to last us the remainder of our life. One of the best ways to increase the likelihood of being able to retain our teeth is to take proactive steps with our dental hygiene. A robust oral hygiene routine will help you to enjoy good oral health, strong teeth, and an attractive smile for as long as possible.


Here are our top tips for how to boost your dental hygiene and take care of your oral health.  

Brush twice per day

Most of us will have grown up having been told to brush our teeth twice each day, once after breakfast and once again before bed. However, as we get older it can become easy to fall out of the habit, particularly when we are busy or tired. Nevertheless, twice-daily brushing is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain great oral health. Brushing before bed is particularly important as it eliminates plaque that has formed as a result of you eating and drinking during the day before it can cause damage overnight.

Pick the right toothbrush and toothpaste

All toothbrushes aren’t created equal and some are more effective than others. Use a small, round-headed toothbrush for maximum maneuverability and select one with soft bristles. Contrary to what many people believe, brushing hard with firm bristles can do more harm than good, damaging the natural enamel that protects the teeth and the soft gums. When it comes to selecting a toothpaste, make sure you choose one that contains fluoride as this will help to remineralize your teeth and keep them strong.

Don’t underestimate the importance of flossing

Flossing is the most effective way of removing the tiny areas of plaque that form between the teeth and that are impossible to reach just using a toothbrush. There are a few types of floss available, from conventional string floss/floss tape to water flossers and interdental brushes.

Give up smoking

If you smoke, giving up will do wonders for your oral hygiene as well as your general health. This is because people who smoke generally accumulate more plaque on their teeth and are at greater risk of developing gum disease. Gum disease is a key contributor to oral health problems that could put your teeth at risk. People who develop gum disease could also be at greater risk of developing chronic general health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

Doctors recommend that people drink 8 glasses of water each day to keep them hydrated and boost their overall health. However, drinking water is also good news for your oral health. Water doesn’t contain any coloring, acid or sugar that could damage your teeth, can help to balance your oral PH levels and will wash away some bacteria, food debris, and even plaque. Dentists recommend that you drink a glass of water with every meal to help improve your oral hygiene.

Visit your dentist regularly

Dentists are there for preventative care as well as for supporting you if you experience a dental problem. Regular visits enable them to closely monitor the health and condition of your teeth and take appropriate action if an issue develops. This prompt preventative response could help stop you from experiencing unpleasant and debilitating symptoms and experiencing irreparable damage to your teeth or oral health. Visit at the frequency recommended by your dentist. You should also undergo annual professional cleans with your hygienist.


For more tips on taking care of your oral health, don’t hesitate to speak to our knowledgeable dental team.